- Category: Accountability
- Category: Business systems and recordkeeping
- Achieving digital continuity
- Aligning the cloud to your business requirements
- Back up systems are not recordkeeping systems
- Breaking out of our niche
- Bridging from your CMS to your EDRMS
- Case Study – Digital Signatures at Lismore City Council
- Climate data, angry scientists and metadata
- Connect, do, and share: Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Consolidation and collaboration – summary of the digital implementers group
- Consultation on draft records management standard
- Decommissioning business systems - lessons learned on the journey so far
- Decommissioning December - it's here!
- Decommissioning systems - the benefits
- Defining high risk records
- Defining risk in recordkeeping
- Digital recordkeeping at the University of Sydney
- Digital recordkeeping Q&A at State Records NSW in March and April 2013
- Enterprise architecture for records managers
- Evolutionary taxonomy, records management and fish
- Facilitating good recordkeeping in local government
- Future Proof newsletter 2011 distributed to Chief Executives
- Future Proof update Feb 09 - Managing digital records guidelines
- Future Proof update June 2009 – Is your digital information at risk?
- Future Proof update March 09 - Using ROI metrics to justify digital recordkeeping project spending
- Future Proof update May 2009 - Email overload! Time to tame the monster
- Future Proof Update November 2009 - Controlling the growth (and costs!) of unstructured information in your organisation
- How Malcolm Gladwell can help you to develop better recordkeeping systems
- How to avoid information loss in the digital age
- Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop
- Information Flow
- Information management in Enterprise Resource Planning systems
- Integrating an EDRMS with a business system
- IPAA Legal Eagle Social Media Seminar
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries July 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries May 2012
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Managing information in a mobile working environment
- Managing information in cloud systems
- Metadata, migration and decommissioning enquiries
- Metadata, social media and business systems - lots of interesting questions as usual at State Records NSW in January and February 2013
- Microsoft Office 365 in NSW Government agencies - jump in and start swimming quickly or try to achieve recordkeeping by design?
- Migrating Business Systems to the Digital Archives (a post from the Digital Archives team)
- National Audit Office UK report on managing the risks of legacy ICT to government service delivery
- New FAQs - Council Amalgamations and Checklist
- New Standard on Records Management issued to the NSW Public Sector
- New workshop on assessing business systems for recordkeeping risk
- Not enough monkeys, not enough typewriters! Why is digital disposal getting away from us?
- Our manifesto for good recordkeeping and key ways to achieve it!
- Our top 5 - Why recordkeeping is awesome!
- People and organisational culture - creating the environment for digital transformation
- Planning for EDRMS implementation (or any business system implementation, really, that needs to manage information as an asset)
- Planning for the management of information as an asset in new business systems
- Q&A with Tim Hume on #OneTRIM
- Readying for Release - open data initiatives
- Recordkeeping and the cloud
- Recordkeeping FAQs - Using third party software for business transactions
- Recordkeeping innovation award for Crown Solicitor's Office
- Recordkeeping, web 2.0 and social media
- Records and information management FAQs - retention of credit card data
- Records, risks, business systems and government information
- SharePoint 2010 pilot project at Bankstown City Council
- Sharing the drive
- So you’ve got a job in Records…
- Strategies for managing email - a multi-pronged attack at the University of Sydney
- Strategies for recordkeeping in collaborative spaces
- Successful engagement for records and information management projects
- Summary of Managing recordkeeping risk in business systems workshops March and April 2012
- Systems are records of how we do business: managing the information about your business system, not just the information in your business system
- The business and recordkeeping benefits of digitising approval processes
- The ethics of access
- The new Standard on Records Management - what it means for digital business
- The presentations and podcasts from the Records Managers Forum held 28th March 2018 are now available
- Top 7 moments you should think, ‘Is my digital information OK??’
- Trust no one? The truth is out there
- Urgent action required to prevent the data bubble from bursting
- Using recordkeeping to support high risk business and to mitigate information risks
- Using third-party apps for citizen engagement: information management considerations
- What is information management?
- What recordkeeping functionality do business systems need to provide?
- ‘Recordkeeping by design’ – opportunities for local government
- Category: case study
- 6 steps to eApprovals: the PSC & DPC interagency collaboration project experience
- Case Study - External Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Case Study – Digital Signatures at Lismore City Council
- Case Study – Internal Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Connect, do, and share: Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Digital case study from the Department of Premier and Cabinet published
- Q&A with Tim Hume on #OneTRIM
- Reducing file share dependencies: the Aboriginal Housing Office's approach
- Simplify, streamline and consolidate: the OneTRIM for OneFACS case study is now published
- Strategies for managing email - a multi-pronged attack at the University of Sydney
- Using auto-classification to classify unmanaged records
- Category: Cloud computing
- Aligning the cloud to your business requirements
- Case Study – Internal Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Challenging questions on social media and the cloud - interesting enquiries to State Records NSW in December 2012
- Cloud and the future of digital communities
- Cloud email – what’s happening with the information? #IAM_2014
- Clouds clear for computing risks
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - what were we thinking about?
- Digital transformation in NSW Government: recordkeeping opportunities and risks
- Future Proof newsletter 2011 distributed to Chief Executives
- Guidance on cloud email implementation now available
- Here today...
- IM FAQs - Office 365, social media monitoring, managing digital photos, voice recordings and more
- Information management and governance issues to consider when moving your corporate email to the cloud
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries July 2012
- Looking back, looking forward - the top 10 posts on Future Proof in 2012 - what's of interest to the RM/IM profession
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Managing information in cloud systems
- Microsoft Office 365 in NSW Government agencies - jump in and start swimming quickly or try to achieve recordkeeping by design?
- Mythbusting: That storage is cheap
- Recent digital advice
- Recent digital advice – the challenges currently facing public offices
- Recordkeeping and the cloud
- Records and information management FAQs - Using cloud services based outside of NSW
- Records management and the cloud - considerations for local government
- Social media enquiries on Workplace by Facebook, Twitter feeds and archiving
- Successful engagement for records and information management projects
- There is nothing new under the cloud
- Thinking more about moving email to the cloud
- Top 7 moments you should think, ‘Is my digital information OK??’
- ‘Recordkeeping by design’ – opportunities for local government
- Category: Data
- Case Study - External Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Case Study – Internal Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Information Flow
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Recordkeeping FAQs - Do the European Union’s new privacy laws apply to NSW public offices?
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Category: Digital archives and digital continuity
- Approaches to managing social media records with long-term retention periods
- Case Study - External Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Case Study – Digital Signatures at Lismore City Council
- Case Study – Internal Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Cloud email – what’s happening with the information? #IAM_2014
- Consultation on draft records management standard
- Decommissioning and digital archives - different models
- Decommissioning systems - the benefits
- Deep Time – perspectives on managing long term value digital information
- Digital Archives migration methodology released as exposure draft
- Digital archives team drops its warez on Github
- Digital archives update
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - halfway through and we're still thinking about all things digital
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - more food for thought
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - the dream is over
- Future Perfect: Digital preservation by design
- Happy International (digital) Archives Day!
- Happy International Archives Day!
- Here comes everybody: What does information ubiquity mean for the archives?
- How might a NSW Digital Archive look in 2020?
- How we do digital archiving at State Records NSW
- Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop
- Information Flow
- Insights from the Australian Society of Archivists workshop on arrangement and description
- Introducing OpenGov NSW
- iPres 2014
- It's archives, Jim, but not as we know it
- Looking back, looking forward - the top 10 posts on Future Proof in 2012 - what's of interest to the RM/IM profession
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Machine Learning and Records Management
- Migrating Business Systems to the Digital Archives (a post from the Digital Archives team)
- Mythbusting: That storage is cheap
- New FAQs - Council Amalgamations and Checklist
- New podcasts on Future Proof
- New Standard on Records Management issued to the NSW Public Sector
- Recordkeeping is not red tape, and other news for Chief Executives
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Research data requires good recordkeeping: Lessons from the Sydney Diet Heart Study and #IDCC13
- Saving our digital history byte by byte
- Social media enquiries on Workplace by Facebook, Twitter feeds and archiving
- State Records Digital Archives Project - Media Release from Logicalis
- State Records Digital Archives project featured in IT News
- State Records to implement NSW's first digital State archives solution
- System migrations to archives (a research paper from the digital archives team)
- Systems are episodes in the life of information
- Team Digital Preservation are back!
- Tender Awarded for Design and Development of the Digital Archives ICT Platform
- The ethics of access
- The Green Digital Archive
- The Information Professionals: Toward 2020 #IAM_2017
- Traces of Nathan
- Trust no one? The truth is out there
- Tweets, Facebook posts, and other social media information are State records
- What we reckon about keeping digital archives: High level principles guiding our approach
- Wrapped in plastic.. a digital archives project update
- Category: Digital disposal
- Authority Editor now available online
- Backup vendor advocates digital disposal
- Case Study - External Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Case Study – Internal Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Cloud email – what’s happening with the information? #IAM_2014
- Conversations about digital information management and digital disposal
- Decommissioning and digital archives - different models
- Decommissioning business systems - lessons learned on the journey so far
- Decommissioning December - it's here!
- Decommissioning December - some light reading
- Decommissioning systems - the benefits
- Digital Archives migration methodology released as exposure draft
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - what were we thinking about?
- Digital recordkeeping at the University of Sydney
- Disposal in a digital environment
- Disposal in the digital world - case study from ACECQA
- Disposal of digital information - why it's not occurring and how we might be able to start improving things
- Email messages are State records
- Enterprise search - the answer to all our problems or technology that most users neither need nor want?
- Here comes everybody: What does information ubiquity mean for the archives?
- How does information retention and disposal work in social media environments? #IAM_2014
- Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries June 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries May 2012
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Machine Learning and Records Management
- Making decisions about how long to keep digital information - #IAM_2014
- Mobile apps and patient records
- Mythbusting: That storage is cheap
- Not enough monkeys, not enough typewriters! Why is digital disposal getting away from us?
- Our machine learning road trip to Canberra
- People and organisational culture - creating the environment for digital transformation
- Pressing delete
- Recent digital advice – the challenges currently facing public offices
- Records and information management FAQs - Keeping metadata after destroying digital records
- Records and information management FAQs - Things to think about when deleting backups
- Review of the general authority for source records that have been migrated
- Saving our digital history byte by byte
- Sharing is caring - how developing retention and disposal authorities in xml facilitates cross jurisdictional reuse of valuable information
- System decommissioning, migration, and manager responsibilities – summary of the June Digital Implementers group
- The problems of identifying which digital records to keep and which to throw away: survey shows digital disposal is hard
- Urgent action required to prevent the data bubble from bursting
- Using auto-classification to classify unmanaged records
- Category: Digitisation
- Case Study – Digital Signatures at Lismore City Council
- Digital recordkeeping Q&A at State Records NSW in March and April 2013
- Digital records at Housing NSW
- Digitisation dilemmas
- Digitisation does not equal digital preservation!
- Exposure draft of digitisation guidance now available
- Final version of Managing digitisation programs and projects is now available
- First case study on digitisation now available
- Invitation to comment on our digitisation guidance
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries July 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries June 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries May 2012
- Looking back, looking forward - the top 10 posts on Future Proof in 2012 - what's of interest to the RM/IM profession
- Metadata, social media and business systems - lots of interesting questions as usual at State Records NSW in January and February 2013
- More digital recordkeeping FAQs from State Records NSW, November 2012
- More digitisation case studies now available...
- New FAQs - Council Amalgamations and Checklist
- NSW Police achieve efficiency and process improvement through innovative recordkeeping
- Public Works oral history recordings go digital
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Review of General disposal authority: imaged records
- To Go Forward or Backfile?
- Category: EDRMS
- 6 steps to eApprovals: the PSC & DPC interagency collaboration project experience
- Achieving digital continuity
- Breaking out of our niche
- Bridging from your CMS to your EDRMS
- Change management in an EDRM project
- Connect, do, and share: Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Consolidation and collaboration – summary of the digital implementers group
- Digital case study from the Department of Premier and Cabinet published
- Digital recordkeeping at the University of Sydney
- Digital records at Housing NSW
- Disposal in the digital world - case study from ACECQA
- Disposal of digital information - why it's not occurring and how we might be able to start improving things
- EDRMS business rules
- Enhancing the effectiveness of an EDRMS/ECM system
- Enterprise Search - part 2
- Future Proof Update August 2009 - Selecting software for managing records
- Future Proof Update July 2009 - Technology and the changing nature of records management
- Future Proof update March 09 - Using ROI metrics to justify digital recordkeeping project spending
- How Malcolm Gladwell can help you to develop better recordkeeping systems
- Identifying benefits for a business case
- Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop
- Implementing EDRMS
- Information Flow
- Integrating an EDRMS with a business system
- Link to business, train staff, integrate - more suggestions for implementing an EDRMS
- Managing information in a mobile working environment
- Managing information in cloud systems
- Managing information in collaborative tools - 10 tips to consider when implementing SharePoint OOTB
- New IAMS contract can save you money
- NSW Police achieve efficiency and process improvement through innovative recordkeeping
- Our top 10 tips for a great EDRMS implementation
- People and organisational culture - creating the environment for digital transformation
- Planning for and dealing with administrative change in the digital environment - practical tips and strategies
- Planning for EDRMS implementation (or any business system implementation, really, that needs to manage information as an asset)
- Putting out fires with better metadata
- Q&A with Tim Hume on #OneTRIM
- Recordkeeping FAQs – keeping records in systems that aren’t EDRMS
- Recordkeeping FAQs – records in EDRMS are not immune from format obsolescence
- Recordkeeping fundamentals are critical to the successful implementation of an EDRMS - teaching the technology is not enough
- Recordkeeping innovation award for Crown Solicitor's Office
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Reducing file share dependencies: the Aboriginal Housing Office's approach
- Selecting recordkeeping software to suit your organisation
- Shared drives full of weirdly named documents?
- Sharing ideas to solve one of life's great mysteries: how to successfully implement an EDRMS
- Sharing the drive
- Simplify, streamline and consolidate: the OneTRIM for OneFACS case study is now published
- State Records survey on electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) use in NSW government: report
- Successful engagement for records and information management projects
- The challenge of applying information governance to Yammer and other social media frameworks
- To analyse business processes, or not to analyse business processes - that is the question (or at least one of the questions to consider when implementing an EDRMS)
- To Go Forward or Backfile?
- Top digital trends affecting records, information and content management
- TRIM merging into new HP Records Manager 8.0 product
- Tweets, Facebook posts, and other social media information are State records
- Category: Email
- Ancient advice on email management
- Cloud email – what’s happening with the information? #IAM_2014
- Email again: Capstone approaches and the risks of email deletion
- Email messages are State records
- Email messages have corporate value to organisations but are still tricky to manage - latest State Records survey results
- Enhancing the effectiveness of an EDRMS/ECM system
- Guidance on cloud email implementation now available
- Information management and governance issues to consider when moving your corporate email to the cloud
- Recent digital advice
- Records and information management FAQs - Deciding why, when and how to capture the content of links
- Strategies for managing email - a multi-pronged attack at the University of Sydney
- System decommissioning, migration, and manager responsibilities – summary of the June Digital Implementers group
- Thinking more about moving email to the cloud
- Category: FAQs
- Challenging questions on social media and the cloud - interesting enquiries to State Records NSW in December 2012
- Digital recordkeeping enquiries at State Records NSW, August 2012
- Digital recordkeeping enquiries at State Records NSW, September 2012
- Digital recordkeeping Q&A - GIS data, invoices in Finance systems, Outlook calendars, MFDs, social media and more
- Digital recordkeeping Q&A at State Records NSW in March and April 2013
- Digital recordkeeping Q&A at State Records NSW in May and June 2013 - USBs, metadata, dodgy emails and Office 365
- FAQs on digital information management - State Records NSW enquiries October 2012
- IM FAQs - Office 365, social media monitoring, managing digital photos, voice recordings and more
- Information management in Enterprise Resource Planning systems
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries July 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries June 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries May 2012
- Managing social media information - frequently asked questions
- Metadata, social media and business systems - lots of interesting questions as usual at State Records NSW in January and February 2013
- More digital recordkeeping FAQs from State Records NSW, November 2012
- More FAQs about managing social media information
- Recent digital advice
- Recent digital advice – the challenges currently facing public offices
- Recordkeeping and the cloud
- Recordkeeping FAQs - Do the European Union’s new privacy laws apply to NSW public offices?
- Recordkeeping FAQs - Using third party software for business transactions
- Recordkeeping FAQs – keeping records in systems that aren’t EDRMS
- Records and information management FAQs - Are signatures the final barrier to a truly digital business environment?
- Records and information management FAQs - Deciding why, when and how to capture the content of links
- Records and information management FAQs - Keeping metadata after destroying digital records
- Records and information management FAQs - retention of credit card data
- Records and information management FAQs - the recordkeeping capabilities of SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online
- Records and information management FAQs - Things to think about when deleting backups
- Records and information management FAQs - Things to think about when it's time to migrate (especially in relation to metadata)
- Records and information management FAQs - Using cloud services based outside of NSW
- Records and information management FAQs - what to do with removable media after records are captured into corporate systems
- Strategies for managing social media information - Frequently asked questions
- Category: ICT and recordkeeping
- Consultation on draft records management standard
- Decommissioning business systems - lessons learned on the journey so far
- Digital archivists and business information managers in demand according to Gartner, Inc.
- Digital case study from the Department of Premier and Cabinet published
- Digital implementers group - executive and management support during change
- Draft NSW Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strategic Framework - comments close tomorrow!
- Enhancing the effectiveness of an EDRMS/ECM system
- Enterprise architecture for records managers
- Enterprise Search - part 2
- Future Proof Update November 2009 - Controlling the growth (and costs!) of unstructured information in your organisation
- Have your say - the NSW Digital Government Survey
- ICT attitudes to recordkeeping: survey report now available
- Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop
- Information Flow
- Information management - is it the new 'thing'?
- Information management in Enterprise Resource Planning systems
- Managing information in a mobile working environment
- Managing information in cloud systems
- NARA's summary of records management automation approaches
- NSW government establishes Community of ICT Professionals
- People and organisational culture - creating the environment for digital transformation
- Premier's memorandum on production costs of annual reports released
- Q&A with Tim Hume on #OneTRIM
- Recent digital advice
- Recent digital advice – the challenges currently facing public offices
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Reducing file share dependencies: the Aboriginal Housing Office's approach
- Reviewing the Standard on Digital Recordkeeping
- Sharing ideas to solve one of life's great mysteries: how to successfully implement an EDRMS
- Successful engagement for records and information management projects
- System decommissioning, migration, and manager responsibilities – summary of the June Digital Implementers group
- Top digital trends affecting records, information and content management
- We are reviewing our "Strategies for Managing Social Media Records" guidance
- What do ICT professionals think about digital recordkeeping? 5 minute survey
- What is information management?
- Category: Information management by design
- Cloud email – what’s happening with the information? #IAM_2014
- Connect, do, and share: Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Consolidation and collaboration – summary of the digital implementers group
- Decommissioning systems - the benefits
- Digital case study from the Department of Premier and Cabinet published
- Digital implementers group - executive and management support during change
- Have your say - the NSW Digital Government Survey
- How does information and records management support privacy?
- Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop
- Information Flow
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Managing information in a mobile working environment
- Managing information in cloud systems
- Microsoft Office 365 in NSW Government agencies - jump in and start swimming quickly or try to achieve recordkeeping by design?
- NARA's summary of records management automation approaches
- New podcasts on Future Proof
- New Standard on Records Management issued to the NSW Public Sector
- People and organisational culture - creating the environment for digital transformation
- Q&A with Elizabeth Coombs on privacy #iam_2016
- Q&A with Elizabeth Tydd on access to government information #iam_2016
- Q&A with Tim Hume on #OneTRIM
- Q&A with Warwick Hunter on public access to records #iam_2016
- Recent digital advice – the challenges currently facing public offices
- Records and information management FAQs - Are signatures the final barrier to a truly digital business environment?
- Records and information management FAQs - retention of credit card data
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- System decommissioning, migration, and manager responsibilities – summary of the June Digital Implementers group
- Taking a risk-based approach to recordkeeping
- The business and recordkeeping benefits of digitising approval processes
- The new Standard on Records Management - what it means for digital business
- Tweets, Facebook posts, and other social media information are State records
- Welcome to Information Awareness Month 2016! #iam_2016
- What is information management?
- You don't gotta catch 'em all: managing text messages for business
- ‘Recordkeeping by design’ – opportunities for local government
- Category: Metadata
- (Lots of!) NSW archives information now available in Research Data Australia
- 6 steps to eApprovals: the PSC & DPC interagency collaboration project experience
- Assessing information risks in business systems and working out what to do about them
- Climate data, angry scientists and metadata
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - halfway through and we're still thinking about all things digital
- Enhancing the effectiveness of an EDRMS/ECM system
- Enterprise Search - part 2
- Exploring and visualising data
- Insights from the Australian Society of Archivists workshop on arrangement and description
- Introducing our new Podcast page
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries June 2012
- Metadata 2012 at ICA 2012 #ICA_2012
- Metadata enables users to find records and information
- Metadata's family tree
- Metadata, migration and decommissioning enquiries
- People and organisational culture - creating the environment for digital transformation
- Putting out fires with better metadata
- Records and information management FAQs - Are signatures the final barrier to a truly digital business environment?
- Records and information management FAQs - Keeping metadata after destroying digital records
- Records and information management FAQs - Things to think about when it's time to migrate (especially in relation to metadata)
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- The Information Professionals: Toward 2020 #IAM_2017
- Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Metadata
- Trust no one? The truth is out there
- We support your Right to Know!
- What can we learn from Utegate?
- World Statistics Day on 20th October in Sydney
- World War I, Mosman 1914-1918 and metadata
- Category: Records management training
- Category: Records Managers Forum
- Connect, do, and share: Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- New podcasts on Future Proof
- New podcasts on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers' Forum presentations and podcasts are now available on Future Proof
- The presentations and podcasts from the Records Managers Forum held 28th March 2018 are now available
- Category: Risk and recordkeeping
- Achieving digital continuity
- Aligning the cloud to your business requirements
- Assessing information risks in business systems and working out what to do about them
- Back up systems are not recordkeeping systems
- Change is constant - what does this mean for records and information?
- Cloud and the future of digital communities
- Common information risks and why they could be happening to you
- Deep Time – perspectives on managing long term value digital information
- Defining high risk records
- Defining risk in recordkeeping
- Digital Implementers Group - E-Approvals
- Digital implementers group - executive and management support during change
- Digital records need good storage conditions too
- Digital transformation in NSW Government: recordkeeping opportunities and risks
- Facilitating good recordkeeping in local government
- Farewell Kate
- Future Proof newsletter 2011 distributed to Chief Executives
- Future Proof update June 2009 – Is your digital information at risk?
- Future Proof Update November 2009 - Controlling the growth (and costs!) of unstructured information in your organisation
- Good recordkeeping is an insurance policy
- Here comes everybody: What does information ubiquity mean for the archives?
- Here today...
- How does information and records management support privacy?
- How to avoid information loss in the digital age
- Identifying information risks that might be impacting on high risk business
- Information Flow
- IPAA Legal Eagle Social Media Seminar
- Looking back, looking forward - the top 10 posts on Future Proof in 2012 - what's of interest to the RM/IM profession
- Mobile apps and patient records
- Mythbusting: Records management
- Mythbusting: That storage is cheap
- National Audit Office UK report on managing the risks of legacy ICT to government service delivery
- News for Chief Executives - State Records survey results flag digital information risks
- Not enough monkeys, not enough typewriters! Why is digital disposal getting away from us?
- On information risks, training, and digital recordkeeping issues
- Once upon a time - share your stories about records management
- Recordkeeping and the cloud
- Recordkeeping is not red tape, and other news for Chief Executives
- Records and information management FAQs - Are signatures the final barrier to a truly digital business environment?
- Records and information management FAQs - Deciding why, when and how to capture the content of links
- Records and information management FAQs - Keeping metadata after destroying digital records
- Records and information management FAQs - Things to think about when it's time to migrate (especially in relation to metadata)
- Records and information management FAQs - Using cloud services based outside of NSW
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records, risks, business systems and government information
- Removable media: They're small but they can be dangerous!
- Review of the general authority for source records that have been migrated
- Reviewing the Standard on Digital Recordkeeping
- Saving our digital history byte by byte
- Summary of Managing recordkeeping risk in business systems workshops March and April 2012
- Taking a risk-based approach to recordkeeping
- Text messages are State records
- The ethics of access
- The new Standard on Records Management - what it means for digital business
- The problems of identifying which digital records to keep and which to throw away: survey shows digital disposal is hard
- Top 7 moments you should think, ‘Is my digital information OK??’
- Urgent action required to prevent the data bubble from bursting
- Using recordkeeping to support high risk business and to mitigate information risks
- Using third-party apps for citizen engagement: information management considerations
- We are all in this together - information professionals collaborating to combat information risk
- What current records need to be made and kept in paper?
- You don't gotta catch 'em all: managing text messages for business
- ‘Recordkeeping by design’ – opportunities for local government
- Category: SharePoint and recordkeeping
- Challenging questions on social media and the cloud - interesting enquiries to State Records NSW in December 2012
- Guidance on the recordkeeping capabilities of SharePoint 2010 - exposure draft now available!
- Initial advice on implementing recordkeeping requirements in SharePoint 2010
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries July 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries June 2012
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Managing information in collaborative tools - 10 tips to consider when implementing SharePoint OOTB
- Records and information management FAQs - the recordkeeping capabilities of SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint Online
- SharePoint 2010 pilot project at Bankstown City Council
- SharePoint 2013: new functionality and what it might mean for recordkeeping
- SharePoint implementation at the Police Integrity Commission
- SharePoint – possibilities and pitfalls
- Category: Social media
- Approaches to managing social media records with long-term retention periods
- Assessing information risks in business systems and working out what to do about them
- Challenging questions on social media and the cloud - interesting enquiries to State Records NSW in December 2012
- Connect, do, and share: Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Consolidated exposure draft of Strategies for managing social media information now available for comment - comments due 15 March
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - what were we thinking about?
- Digital recordkeeping Q&A at State Records NSW in March and April 2013
- FAQs on digital information management - State Records NSW enquiries October 2012
- Farewell Kate
- Future Proof update April 2009 - Records management and web 2.0
- How does information retention and disposal work in social media environments? #IAM_2014
- IM FAQs - Office 365, social media monitoring, managing digital photos, voice recordings and more
- IPAA Legal Eagle Social Media Seminar
- Keeping records of your web 2.0 business
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries May 2012
- Looking back, looking forward - the top 10 posts on Future Proof in 2012 - what's of interest to the RM/IM profession
- Management strategies for social media information
- Managing social media business information
- Managing social media information - frequently asked questions
- Mobile apps and patient records
- More FAQs about managing social media information
- Presidential tweets, self destructing messages and the use of Shadow IT
- Recordkeeping, web 2.0 and social media
- Records and information management FAQs - Deciding why, when and how to capture the content of links
- Social media enquiries on Workplace by Facebook, Twitter feeds and archiving
- Social media in government and recordkeeping #socialmediagov
- Social media use in NSW government - a case study from the Consumer, Trader and Tenancy Tribunal
- State Records social media and recordkeeping survey results
- State Records survey on social media use in NSW government
- Strategies for managing social media information #smday
- Strategies for managing social media information - determining which records need to be captured
- Strategies for managing social media information - Frequently asked questions
- Strategies for managing social media information - how do I capture social media records?
- Strategies for managing social media information - some retention and destruction issues
- Strategies for managing social media information: How to keep records of government social media business
- The challenge of applying information governance to Yammer and other social media frameworks
- Tools for capturing social media information
- Traces of Nathan
- Tweets, Facebook posts, and other social media information are State records
- U.S. Archivist worried about White House Tweets: Recordkeeping in the social media grey zone
- We are reviewing our "Strategies for Managing Social Media Records" guidance
- We need to stop being so unconcerned with our digital history and respect the information that is moving to social media
- Why we love blogging - the story of Future Proof
- Why you need social media information governance frameworks
- Why you need social media recordkeeping
- ‘Recordkeeping by design’ – opportunities for local government
- Category: State Records snippets
- Challenging questions on social media and the cloud - interesting enquiries to State Records NSW in December 2012
- DAM it!
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - halfway through and we're still thinking about all things digital
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - more food for thought
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - the dream is over
- Digital Awareness Month at State Records - what were we thinking about?
- Digital recordkeeping enquiries at State Records NSW, August 2012
- Digital recordkeeping enquiries at State Records NSW, September 2012
- FAQs on digital information management - State Records NSW enquiries October 2012
- Farewell Kate
- Future Proof 100th blog post! The past, present and future of Future Proof
- Future Proof update December 2009 - End of another year!
- Gold for the staff at State Records!
- Goodbye Janet!
- Goodbye Peter!
- Happy 5th birthday Future Proof! Birthday wish: info management is business critical and complex so it needs strategic vision
- Happy International Customer Service Week! How does the Government Recordkeeping team at State Records support its customers?
- Have a happy festive season
- Information management by design - introducing the new digital content on the State Records website
- Integrated approach to archive management, digital preservation and user discovery – State Archives and Records NSW selects new software solutions
- International Council on Archives Congress: Coming to Brisbane in August!
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries July 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries June 2012
- Key digital recordkeeping enquiries May 2012
- Looking back, looking forward - the top 10 posts on Future Proof in 2012 - what's of interest to the RM/IM profession
- Meeting the digital challenge - keeping your personal digital records for the long term
- Metadata, migration and decommissioning enquiries
- Metadata, social media and business systems - lots of interesting questions as usual at State Records NSW in January and February 2013
- More digital recordkeeping FAQs from State Records NSW, November 2012
- New workshop on assessing business systems for recordkeeping risk
- On information risks, training, and digital recordkeeping issues
- Our top 5 - Why recordkeeping is awesome!
- Q&A with Elizabeth Tydd on your Right to Know #RTK2017
- Records, risks, business systems and government information
- Season's greetings from the Future Proof team
- So you’ve got a job in Records…
- Social media enquiries on Workplace by Facebook, Twitter feeds and archiving
- State Records congratulates Barbara Reed on national Standards Australia award
- Summary of Managing recordkeeping risk in business systems workshops March and April 2012
- Tender Awarded for Design and Development of the Digital Archives ICT Platform
- The Information and Privacy Commission wants to hear from you
- Using recordkeeping to support high risk business and to mitigate information risks
- We have moved premises: Farewell to the historic Rocks precinct
- We're all in DRAG!
- We've moved our blog hosting
- Welcome to Information Awareness Month 2017 #IAM_2017
- Why we love blogging - the story of Future Proof
- Wrapped in plastic.. a digital archives project update
- Category: Strategic information management
- Ants and archives and leveraging expertise for strategic information management #IAM_2014
- Change is constant - what does this mean for records and information?
- Consultation on draft records management standard
- Conversations about digital information management and digital disposal
- Decommissioning December - it's here!
- Decommissioning December - some light reading
- Digital case study from the Department of Premier and Cabinet published
- Digital implementers group - executive and management support during change
- Farewell Kate
- Happy 5th birthday Future Proof! Birthday wish: info management is business critical and complex so it needs strategic vision
- How does information and records management support privacy?
- IM FAQs - Office 365, social media monitoring, managing digital photos, voice recordings and more
- Information management by design - introducing the new digital content on the State Records website
- Information management in Enterprise Resource Planning systems
- Making decisions about how long to keep digital information - #IAM_2014
- NARA's summary of records management automation approaches
- New podcasts on Future Proof
- New Standard on Records Management issued to the NSW Public Sector
- News for Chief Executives - Future Proof issue 7
- News for Chief Executives - State Records survey results flag digital information risks
- Premier's memorandum on production costs of annual reports released
- Q&A with Elizabeth Coombs on privacy #iam_2016
- Q&A with Elizabeth Tydd on access to government information #iam_2016
- Q&A with Warwick Hunter on public access to records #iam_2016
- Recent digital advice
- Recordkeeping FAQs - Do the European Union’s new privacy laws apply to NSW public offices?
- Records and information management FAQs - Are signatures the final barrier to a truly digital business environment?
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Reviewing the Standard on Digital Recordkeeping
- Strategies for managing social media information #smday
- Systems are episodes in the life of information
- The complexity of digital transitions - happy #IAM_2014
- The new Standard on Records Management - what it means for digital business
- The presentations and podcasts from the Records Managers Forum held 28th March 2018 are now available
- We support your Right to Know!
- Welcome to Information Awareness Month 2016! #iam_2016
- What is information management?
- World Statistics Day on 20th October in Sydney
- Category: Surveys
- ICT attitudes to recordkeeping: survey report now available
- Information management - is it the new 'thing'?
- News for Chief Executives - State Records survey results flag digital information risks
- On information risks, training, and digital recordkeeping issues
- Records Managers Forum presentations now available on Future Proof
- Reviewing the Standard on Digital Recordkeeping
- State Records social media and recordkeeping survey results
- State Records survey on electronic document and records management system (EDRMS) use in NSW government: report
- State Records survey on social media use in NSW government
- The problems of identifying which digital records to keep and which to throw away: survey shows digital disposal is hard
- What do ICT professionals think about digital recordkeeping? 5 minute survey
- Category: Systems for digital records
- Approaches to managing social media records with long-term retention periods
- Case Study – Digital Signatures at Lismore City Council
- Case Study – Internal Pilot - Machine Learning and Records Management
- Decommissioning and digital archives - different models
- Decommissioning systems - the benefits
- Digital Implementers Group - E-Approvals
- Digital Implementers Group - mashing six TRIM implementations into one funky remix
- Email messages have corporate value to organisations but are still tricky to manage - latest State Records survey results
- Enhancing the effectiveness of an EDRMS/ECM system
- Enterprise Search - part 2
- Enterprise search - the answer to all our problems or technology that most users neither need nor want?
- Exploring and visualising data
- Goodbye Mandy!
- Guidance on cloud email implementation now available
- How does information and records management support privacy?
- Implementing the standard on records management - feedback welcome!
- Information Flow
- Introducing our new Podcast page
- iPres 2014
- Machine Learning - Can You Help?
- Managing information in a mobile working environment
- Metadata enables users to find records and information
- Mobile apps and patient records
- NARA's summary of records management automation approaches
- New minimum requirements for metadata for authoritative records and information
- New podcasts on Future Proof
- New Standard on Records Management issued to the NSW Public Sector
- News for Chief Executives - Future Proof issue 7
- NSW Information Commissioner and Open Data Advocate launches NEW Open Data e-learning module
- Planning for and dealing with administrative change in the digital environment - practical tips and strategies
- Proposed changes to the Copyright Act 1968
- Recent digital advice
- Recent digital advice – the challenges currently facing public offices
- Records and information management FAQs - Keeping metadata after destroying digital records
- Records management and the cloud - considerations for local government
- Records Managers' Forum presentations and podcasts are now available on Future Proof
- Research data requires good recordkeeping: Lessons from the Sydney Diet Heart Study and #IDCC13
- Saving our digital history byte by byte
- SharePoint 2013: new functionality and what it might mean for recordkeeping
- Sharing ideas to solve one of life's great mysteries: how to successfully implement an EDRMS
- Student perspectives: the changing role of records managers
- Successful engagement for records and information management projects
- System decommissioning, migration, and manager responsibilities – summary of the June Digital Implementers group
- The Magic Touch: balancing autonomy and automation
- The new Standard on Records Management - what it means for digital business
- The sun is setting on this blog...
- To analyse business processes, or not to analyse business processes - that is the question (or at least one of the questions to consider when implementing an EDRMS)
- Top digital trends affecting records, information and content management
- Trust no one? The truth is out there
- Welcome to the Information Awareness Month 2018
- Category: What we learned at
- Archives on the edge - Founders and Survivors
- Archives on the edge - know what you mean, and sometimes you might just have to break the rules
- Arrgghhh! RIMPA Convention organisers don't need to walk the plank!
- Cloud and the future of digital communities
- Digital Forensics for Libraries and Archives
- Digitisation does not equal digital preservation!
- Future Perfect: Digital preservation by design
- Future Proof 100th blog post! The past, present and future of Future Proof
- Future Proof attends 'Future Proof' conference
- Gold for the staff at State Records!
- iPres 2014
- Meeting the digital challenge - keeping your personal digital records for the long term
- Metadata 2012 at ICA 2012 #ICA_2012
- Once upon a time - share your stories about records management
- Presidential tweets, self destructing messages and the use of Shadow IT
- Social media in government and recordkeeping #socialmediagov
- THATCamp Melbourne
- We are all in this together - information professionals collaborating to combat information risk
- World War I, Mosman 1914-1918 and metadata
- Category: workflow
- Digital State archive
- Information Asset Management Assessment Tool
- News and Events
- Old Podcasts Page
- Podcasts
- Principles of Participation and Acceptable Use Policy
- Recent digital advice – the challenges currently facing public offices
- Resources
- Sitemap
- The IAM tool
- Welcome to the Future Proof website and blog
- What is Future Proof?