Posts Tagged ‘social media’

Strategies for managing social media information #smday July 1, 2014 No Comments

Social media is a tool that can connect government services directly with community needs. Business models are shifting fundamentally and social media platforms are becoming increasingly significant business environments for all sorts of government operations. As this transition occurs, we need to ensure that government operations continue to have the information they need to support […]

How does information retention and disposal work in social media environments? #IAM_2014 May 28, 2014 No Comments

In our next post to celebrate Information Awareness Month, we are again looking at social media. As information professionals, we need to respond to the fact that a lot of key business operations are moving to social media technologies.  photo by: Book Worm Laser & Design

More FAQs about managing social media information April 16, 2014 2 Comments

Sorry it has taken a little while to add to this next instalment of our social media FAQs, but we have been receiving new batches of social media questions that we have wanted to answer and then share, hence the delay. So, this time around: How frequently do I need to capture records of our […]

Managing social media information – frequently asked questions March 14, 2014 No Comments

Here are some of the questions we get asked about government use of social media: what is the legal status of information in social systems? does the State Records Act apply to social media? does defamation law apply to social media? how does the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act apply to social media? how […]

Tools for capturing social media information February 28, 2014 2 Comments

As social media is relatively new and rapidly evolving technology, there are no defined, best practice ways for making and keeping social media information as a business asset. Organisations also use different social media channels, in a variety of different ways and for various different types of business operations. Given there are no easy answers […]

Management strategies for social media information No Comments

There are a range of information management strategies you can apply to your social systems, based on your specific business needs and risks. The strategy you choose needs to be based on an analysis and understanding of business needs and risks. You may need to choose different information management strategies for each of the different […]

Managing social media business information 2 Comments

State Records’ revised guidance on managing social media business information is being progressively published over the next few days. Here are the first few slices. If you have any suggestions for improvements, please let us know. Summary NSW Government has a strong and growing social media presence. Studies of government use of social media show […]

Digital recordkeeping Q&A – GIS data, invoices in Finance systems, Outlook calendars, MFDs, social media and more October 8, 2013 No Comments

Sorry it has been so long since our last Q&A post but we have honestly been super busy answering enquiries! People within the NSW public sector have been asking questions about lots of fascinating issues, relating to changing business frameworks and how recordkeeping should be used as a support to these. Here are some of the […]

Why you need social media recordkeeping September 23, 2013 2 Comments

Last week I spoke at Akolade’s Social media communication strategies in government 2013 conference in Sydney. It was a fantastic conference, with inspiring case studies about government use of social media from the City of Sydney, the NSW Police Force, Coffs Harbour City Council, the Department of Education, Training and Employment in Queensland, the Australian […]

Why you need social media information governance frameworks March 26, 2013 No Comments In mid March I spoke at State Records’ regular Records Managers Forum about what you need to do to implement effective social media recordkeeping in your organisation. Other presentations at the Forum were: Dawn Routledge and Sonya Sherman, Information, ICT Policy, Department of Finance and Services – Developing the NSW information management framework Cassie Findlay, Project Manager, […]