The sun is setting on this blog… December 11, 2018

You may have noticed we haven’t been blogging lately. We’re currently working behind the scenes to make sure we’re still meeting your communication needs.

This blog launched in 2007-08 to support the Future Proof strategy, which was about ensuring that digital government records are protected and managed effectively. It’s time for us to review whether this blog is still meeting your needs.

Right now, we’re working out which communication channels work best for you. We’ve interviewed and surveyed people working for or on behalf of State and Local government agencies, universities and hospitals in NSW to find out the effectiveness of our communications. Findings from this research are helping us develop a communication strategy and improve the user experience on our websites, including this blog.

You can still find the latest information on government recordkeeping on our main website.

Thank you very much for your loyal readership of this blog.


The FutureProof team

Photo by: Angela McGing
Rebecka Sheffield December 11th, 2018

This blog will be greatly missed! FutureProof has helped guide, inspire and shape my work in digital recordkeeping and is a trusted resource across jurisdictions. I hope that, whatever communications tool the team uses next, it will be accessible beyond borders!

Irene Chymyn December 12th, 2018

Hi Rebecka
Reading your feedback made my day, so thank you! Saying goodbye to Future Proof is a way for us to acknowledge that “future proofing digital recordkeeping” is a misnomer now because “digital” is ubiquitous and normal. Perhaps we should go back to recordkeeping. We will still blog, but in what platform or brand, we don’t know yet. Again, thank you. :)

Tanya Whitmarsh January 2nd, 2019

Yes. Future Proof has been a great resource. I hope that archived content will remain readily accessible for a goodly while yet. I have often dipped back into content that has been around for some time for inspiration and contacts. (So many gems of wisdom remain almost timeless.) Good luck to you Irene and everyone else who sail the good ship SARA.

Irene Chymyn January 8th, 2019

Thank you Nutrindo and Tanya.

With regards to the content, we haven’t decided yet what we’re going to do with it. However, having it remain accessible is a main consideration for us.

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