Implementing the standard on records management – feedback welcome! April 30, 2015
The Standard on Records Management was issued at the beginning of March. We’ve already started to hear back about the work being done to implement the standard.
We are particularly interested to hear how people have used the standard to support the implementation or assessment of digital systems and the transformation of digital processes. One of the major changes we made with the new Standard on Records Management was to emphasize a range of responsibilities so that the obligations on executives and business unit managers were more explicitly stated. Simultaneously, we shifted some of the more detailed requirements into guidance, as we felt that the digital environments in which they were implemented were extremely varied and changing rapidly. Detailed advice needs to be flexible and able to be updated outside of the standard review cycle.
We have been pleased by the number of public offices who have contacted us to tell us about their implementation progress. We would welcome contact from organisations willing to develop case studies which can be shared for the benefit of the sector, or those who just want to let us know about their progress so far. Please use the contact form below to get in touch!
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