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EDRMS business rules April 13, 2011

Our friend Stephen Bedford at the Department of Finance and Services very kindly agreed to share a document he has been working in that looks at some of the factors that need to be considered when you are working out how best to implement an EDRMS – in particular, relating to the tricky issue of determining the role of shared drive folders (see our post from a few weeks back, ‘Sharing the drive‘). In the introduction to the document,  Stephen explains:

Before an agency can decide on business rules, it has to decide how it intends to use EDRMS once it is installed.
3 models have been described, with a description of how they would work, and benefits and risks of each.

Stephen is happy for his work to be used by others who are developing their own EDRMS implementation strategies – with acknowledgment, please!

EDRMS-business-rules (PDF, 112 kb)

If you have any documents or other work relating to EDRMS implementation, we’d love to hear about it, or indeed share it on the blog. Comment below or contact us at


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