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Posts Tagged ‘strategic information management’

The challenge of applying information governance to Yammer and other social media frameworks July 24, 2014 No Comments

Today we had our regular meeting of the EDRMS Implementers Group and the topic for discussion was social media information management. Managing social media information for all the lovely NSW government records and information managers assembled today is a challenge. With social media information there is a lot of it, most of it is low […]

Deep Time – perspectives on managing long term value digital information June 11, 2014 2 Comments

June 9 was International Archives Day. Happy International Archives Day everyone! Back in 2001, physicist and science fiction writer Gregory Benford wrote a book called Deep Time: How Humanity Communicates across Millennia. In it he asked questions like, in one million years time, what information will we need to leave to the future inhabitants of […]

Managing information in collaborative tools – 10 tips to consider when implementing SharePoint OOTB June 5, 2014 No Comments

The following guest post has been written by Janet Villata from Austrade. It summarises the excellent presentation she gave in May at the State Records EDRMS Implementers Group meeting. Janet’s Information Practice and Governance team at Austrade has recently been involved in assessments of the recordkeeping functionality of SharePoint 2013 out of the box (OOTB). […]