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Posts Tagged ‘EDRMS’

Records and information management FAQs – Keeping metadata after destroying digital records July 21, 2015 No Comments

Many organisations across the NSW public sector have well established digital recordkeeping systems. As these systems have been in place for some years, they contain records that are able to be destroyed in accordance with approved retention and disposal authorities. A number of organisations have recently contacted us to discuss the requirements for keeping metadata […]

Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop May 13, 2015 No Comments

Last week we had our regular digital implementers group meeting. This session’s topic was digital disposal. In advance of the meeting, we conducted a mini-survey of the group to get a sense of their progress and capacity was in this area. The results of this were interesting because, while it was a limited sample, there […]

Enterprise Search – part 2 April 20, 2015 1 Comment

Our recent post about our latest Digital Implementers Group workshop, in which we discussed Enterprise Search technologies, has generated a fair bit of discussion. I thought it might be a good opportunity to delve into this a bit more, as well as discuss the role of the digital implementers group. The Digital Implementers Group The Digital Implementers […]

Managing information in a mobile working environment February 13, 2015 No Comments

This week we had our regular digital implementers group. Our session topics are set based on the opportunities and challenges which are at the forefront for the group members. Establishing a robust mobile working environment is becoming important for a large number of organisations. The group members, as always, represented a large and diverse cross […]

Enhancing the effectiveness of an EDRMS/ECM system January 29, 2015 No Comments

Recently I had a very interesting meeting with a New South Wales local council which has revamped its processes for capture, management and application of retention rules to document-based records. They are currently undertaking a multi-phase project to enhanced the effectiveness and comprehensiveness of their digital records management. This includes: understanding how technology could manage a fully digital […]

Managing information in cloud systems November 7, 2014 No Comments

This week we had our regular EDRMS (Electronic Document and Records Management System) implementers’ group meeting. The meeting’s topic was managing information in cloud systems. A great thing about this group is the wide range of expertise in the room: today there were records and information managers, information specialists, operations directors and business analysts among the […]

Successful engagement for records and information management projects September 25, 2014 No Comments

This week we had our regular EDRMS implementers group meeting. As usual, a great group of people turned up from a wide range of organisations. Everyone is at various stages of implementing an EDRMS/ECM system, and many are responsible for a broader range of information management systems. A general theme in the group is a shift away from […]

Planning for EDRMS implementation (or any business system implementation, really, that needs to manage information as an asset) October 23, 2013 3 Comments

  Our wonderful EDRMS implementers group met again recently and they are such an inspiring bunch of people, doing great and challenging things across NSW government to manage core government business information. At our meeting this time we focussed on planning for system implementation. Our focus was on EDRMS implementation but really, the lessons learned […]

Planning for and dealing with administrative change in the digital environment – practical tips and strategies August 15, 2013 No Comments

Last week the members of the EDRMS Implementers Discussion Group met to talk about administrative change. Many of the members work in large government agencies subject to regular administrative change – functions coming and going, agencies being merged into single organisations and then separated again etc. These types of changes will have an impact on […]

TRIM merging into new HP Records Manager 8.0 product August 8, 2013 3 Comments

HP announced yesterday that in September it will release its new HP Records Manager 8.0 product. This product represents a merger of HP’s three existing records management products: HP TRIM Autonomy Records Manager and Meridio Records Manager. photo by: IntelFreePress