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Goodbye Janet! September 18, 2012

Janet 2012

It is with sadness that State Records farewells Janet Knight. After working at State Records for 22 excellent years, Janet has decided to move on to a very exciting job in the Commonwealth government. We wish her all the very, very best for her exciting future but we will miss her!

We would like to acknowledge all the outstanding work Janet has done during her time at State Records. When she started with the organisation, Janet worked as a Reference Archivist and went on to manage the public enquiries desk. She then moved into our Government Recordkeeping team. Here she worked on disposal projects for many years and then, among other projects, worked on the development of the second edition of Keyword AAA and State Records’s review of Strategies for Documenting Government Business: The DIRKS Manual.

Janet worked as the Executive Officer of State Records for a year and also had secondments at the National Archives of Australia (Sydney office) and at the Australian Broadcasting Authority where she helped to develop and implement their disposal authority and classification tools.

Back at State Records, Janet did an extensive amount of work on GA12: Personnel Records and GA28: Administrative Records before moving into the Digital Recordkeeping team. Janet made a fantastic contribution to this team, in particular with her work to develop State Records’ online training modules, the extensive guideline Managing digitisation programs and projects, her many posts to the Future Proof blog and the extensive training, advice and assistance she provided to many government organisations to help them with their digital recordkeeping challenges.

Janet is extraordinarily productive and the quality of her work is outstanding, but more than her valuable work-based contributions, we will miss Janet as a beautiful person. Always caring, dedicated, enthusiastic, thoughtful and ever-organised, she is a wonderful colleague and a wonderful friend. Best of luck for the future Janet and thank you!

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