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‘Business systems and recordkeeping’ Archive

Decommissioning systems – the benefits December 18, 2015 No Comments

A common problem for many organisations is the accumulation of digital records and information in systems which become obsolete. These systems either rely on legacy technology, or are related to non-current business processes. However many of these systems contain high value information, and their poor management can become a significant risk for organisations. Decommissioning is a process by which a […]

Decommissioning December – it’s here! December 2, 2015 No Comments

December is often described as the ‘silly season’, filled with end of year parties, hot days and getting Christmas carols stuck in your head. Here at State Records we’ve decided to wrest control of this month from fun loving frivolity and focus on the wonderful topic of decommissioning! All December long our blog posts will […]

Consolidation and collaboration – summary of the digital implementers group October 2, 2015 No Comments

Last week we had the Digital Implementers Group: a regular meeting bringing together people implementing digital systems for records and information management in the NSW Public Sector. As usual, the meeting was attended by a broad range of professionals and organisations. This meeting focussed on consolidation and cross-sector collaboration.

People and organisational culture – creating the environment for digital transformation August 21, 2015 No Comments

Last week we had our regular Digital Implementers’ Group meeting. This time, the topic was focused around people and organisational culture. The group’s members what are the necessary cultural factors in organisations which have strong digital information and records management, and what are the cultural barriers. Representing in the group were are wide range of […]

The new Standard on Records Management – what it means for digital business August 3, 2015 No Comments

State Records issued the new Standard on Records Management earlier this year. The new standard provides a streamlined framework designed to better support NSW Government digital business processes in complex environments. Catherine Robinson recently spoke about the new standard at a records and information management conference. Here is some of what Catherine said:

Implementing digital disposal – summary of digital implementers workshop May 13, 2015 No Comments

Last week we had our regular digital implementers group meeting. This session’s topic was digital disposal. In advance of the meeting, we conducted a mini-survey of the group to get a sense of their progress and capacity was in this area. The results of this were interesting because, while it was a limited sample, there […]

New Standard on Records Management issued to the NSW Public Sector March 2, 2015 No Comments

The Standard on Records Management was issued to the NSW public sector today. It has been over a year of planning, development and consultation, and we had some great feedback from the professional community. The standard is now available on the State Records NSW website together with implementation resources. A comprehensive implementation guide is available […]

Managing information in a mobile working environment February 13, 2015 No Comments

This week we had our regular digital implementers group. Our session topics are set based on the opportunities and challenges which are at the forefront for the group members. Establishing a robust mobile working environment is becoming important for a large number of organisations. The group members, as always, represented a large and diverse cross […]

Managing information in cloud systems November 7, 2014 No Comments

This week we had our regular EDRMS (Electronic Document and Records Management System) implementers’ group meeting. The meeting’s topic was managing information in cloud systems. A great thing about this group is the wide range of expertise in the room: today there were records and information managers, information specialists, operations directors and business analysts among the […]

Successful engagement for records and information management projects September 25, 2014 No Comments

This week we had our regular EDRMS implementers group meeting. As usual, a great group of people turned up from a wide range of organisations. Everyone is at various stages of implementing an EDRMS/ECM system, and many are responsible for a broader range of information management systems. A general theme in the group is a shift away from […]